3 reviews

Dr. David Slay, MD | Compassionate Care Clinic

marker Hot Springs, Arkansas


3 reviews
Allen Richie

Dr. Slay has been my PCP for over 5 years now, and I am also a patient at Compassionate Care Clinic. In my opinion, he's the best. He treats me as a person, a friend, and an equal partner in my health care. I simply can't say enough good things about him. Thank you, Dr. Dave, for being our family doctor.
Peyton Rose

Congratulating Dr. Slay for his awesome role in helping Arkansans find help for pain management.
Cody Schichtl

It's great to see Arkansas doctors finding better solutions to medical needs of people in this State. We need more doctors like Dr. David Slay who are willing to put the health of our community first.