21 reviews

Hometown Hemp

marker London, Kentucky


21 reviews
Candida Bettis

So where do I start? I have struggled with aniexty for over 30 years. Was medicated for 19 of those. I am a chronic pain suffer, fibro, migraines, and a messed up back. With all of this I do not sleep. Which in return makes all the above worse. I decided to make the stop in and talk to the girls. They was happy to talk to me and answer my questions. I have been in 5 times and bought 4 bottles of the full 1500MG. Plus the pain creme. Did you catch That? 4 bottles? So this is not based over a one time or a weeks use. So here it goes... no more Aniexty medication. I didn't tell the doctors or my family for THREE months. I waited to see if they noticed anything. My family could not believe I had not had it in three months.(Aniexty Meds) The doctor questioned me when the medications was not in my system. Heck it had been for 19 years. Sleeping..... do you know how many medications they gave me for sleep that failed? within 2 weeks I was sleeping and going to sleep with no problems. Fibro.... no meds for it either. Do I still have flare ups? yes..... nothing like before. Now to the headaches. My migraines are brutal. I have had them since I was 11. They can give me no reason for them. Does the oil help? I am going to have to say I can not tell a difference on them. I am not claiming a miracle. or that it will fix all that ails you. IT HAS MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO ME. I was not a believer either. so I waited 4 months to write this. Didn't solve it all but it solved a lot. Yes I still see my Doctor every three months. Yes there is meds I still have to take. Not as many as before. BUT the blood work I got Monday is the best it has been in 8 years. You be the judge. Try it. As for me..... I will continue to use this product and brand. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Kim Henson

Always knowledgeable and friendly staff.! Best prices anywhere.. love this place
Diane Skinner

I came to a Hometown Hemp looking for relief from inflammation in my knees caused by arthritis. After a consultation the knowledgeable staff recommended a dosage and instructed me on how to take the CBD oil. I started seeing relief in about a week. I have since also added the pain cream. The combination has helped the pain and my range of motion. It is so nice to have a local company you can trust. Thank you Hometown Hemp for your products.
Laura Taylor

Very nice people and a learning experience
Tracy Fischer
