3 reviews

Raley's Happy Healing, LLC

marker Thomasville, Alabama


3 reviews
Big EL

Awesome people & a great selection of CBD products. If you have trouble sleeping, have aches & pains, or anxiety, go see these folks, they will find something to help you!!
Vernetta King

Justin A. Hammonds

Raley and the Happy Healing team are a True beacon of hope in Thomasville, Alabama.I no longer have to 'self medicate' with illegal drugs or continue to suffer financially after Medicare refused to continue to pay for Invega (I have schizophrenia bi-polar type Invega is $3,000 per shot w/o insurance and I used to take it monthly).The entire team including Raley, took the time to PERSONALLY explain the health benefits. They understood my smoker's background, and I immediately realized although I love smoking, the current 'war on drugs' is obviously avoidable...I always pick smoke-able, and I like Southern Ape and one better kind but forgot the name.Many colored ppl I know (I'm also Black) shun this type of value, while they choose cr** instead. I wish more people would realized how blessed we are to have SOME (very few) honest and ethical people in Thomasville.And they're priced 3x's less than 'street drugs'...Thank you. God Bless. I needed them, they helped and supported even though my closest connections did not.